Artist newcomers singer,Syahrini is selected by Anang Hermansyah to be his new partner. Not in private life, at least Syahrini is the second woman ever duet together Anang, other than KD. Finally Krisdayanti substitute for Anang Hermansyah fulfilled. Syahrini which is a substitute for a duet Krisdayanti in Anang in his new album. In their video shoot was intimate and harmonious.
A kiss on the cheek Syahrini docked when they ended the song "Jangan Memilih aku" in the event Dahsyatnya Awards. Syahrini admitted surprise at what was given Anang Hermansyah.
"Startled the hell, I got stunned," said Syahrini told reporters after filling Dahsyatnya Awards ceremony, at Mangga Dua Square, North Jakarta, Friday (26/2/2010) evening.
According to the girl's birth Bogor August 1, 1982 that, given a kiss on the stage Anang is a form of appreciation for him. He was greeted with pleasure.
Instead kissed confused? "Not upset, but I was shocked, like a surprise wrote," she said again.
All events were pure without any planning of Anang or Syahrini. Chanter 'Bohong' it was only stunned and silent self widower of an appreciation of two children given to him. It could be serious love?
Profile of Anang Hermansyah
Anang Hermansyah known as a musician and music workers, in addition known as the husband of the famous pop singer Krisdayanti. Men born Jember, East Java, March 18, 1969, had created the song, whether sung themselves or others.
The songs never released Anang, including Mata Cinta (2003), Makin aku Cinta (2000), Tania (1999).
Now the man who successfully 3 Diva concert was one of the judges for the talent contest show, which aired RCTI, Indonesian Idol 2007.
Marriage with KD Anang which lasted from August 22, 1996, are likely to end soon. Father of Titania Aurelie Nurhermansyah and steady Azriel Akbar Hermansyah. KD menalak religiously divorced on August 19, 2009. For the process legally, KD will be cast on the chanter divorce Separuhh Jiwakuu Pergii after Lebaran. Meanwhile, the two children they will be under the care Anangg.
Without having to wait a long time, Thursday, October 22, 2009, decision of the divorce courts issued Anang-KD. Through PA South Jakarta, an official Anang has become a widower.
After a divorce, is active in Anang back country music world. Mid-September 2009, he released his latest album, ANANG. In the self title album with the song hits a single, Separuh Jiwaku Pergi.
A kiss on the cheek Syahrini docked when they ended the song "Jangan Memilih aku" in the event Dahsyatnya Awards. Syahrini admitted surprise at what was given Anang Hermansyah.
"Startled the hell, I got stunned," said Syahrini told reporters after filling Dahsyatnya Awards ceremony, at Mangga Dua Square, North Jakarta, Friday (26/2/2010) evening.
According to the girl's birth Bogor August 1, 1982 that, given a kiss on the stage Anang is a form of appreciation for him. He was greeted with pleasure.
Instead kissed confused? "Not upset, but I was shocked, like a surprise wrote," she said again.
All events were pure without any planning of Anang or Syahrini. Chanter 'Bohong' it was only stunned and silent self widower of an appreciation of two children given to him. It could be serious love?
Profile of Anang Hermansyah
Anang Hermansyah known as a musician and music workers, in addition known as the husband of the famous pop singer Krisdayanti. Men born Jember, East Java, March 18, 1969, had created the song, whether sung themselves or others.
The songs never released Anang, including Mata Cinta (2003), Makin aku Cinta (2000), Tania (1999).
Now the man who successfully 3 Diva concert was one of the judges for the talent contest show, which aired RCTI, Indonesian Idol 2007.
Marriage with KD Anang which lasted from August 22, 1996, are likely to end soon. Father of Titania Aurelie Nurhermansyah and steady Azriel Akbar Hermansyah. KD menalak religiously divorced on August 19, 2009. For the process legally, KD will be cast on the chanter divorce Separuhh Jiwakuu Pergii after Lebaran. Meanwhile, the two children they will be under the care Anangg.
Without having to wait a long time, Thursday, October 22, 2009, decision of the divorce courts issued Anang-KD. Through PA South Jakarta, an official Anang has become a widower.
After a divorce, is active in Anang back country music world. Mid-September 2009, he released his latest album, ANANG. In the self title album with the song hits a single, Separuh Jiwaku Pergi.