Anang Hermansyah pain was unstoppable against Krisdayanti. Singer songwriter has finally divorced his wife in Islam, four days before the fast. According to the 40-year-old man, all is over. Including the division of property and child custody.
Diva is familiarly called KD's dare mention playing with fire in the back of her husband. In fact, KD introducing another man's dream of his children. "Mimi om take it to the room. We are again on the swim," said Aurelie Nurhermansyah Titania, daughter-KD Anang in Kasak gossip show SCTV, Monday (31 / 8).
Who was the man who turned his attention chanter'm Sorry Good Bye this? Still according to the KD children, he was a wealthy businessman from East Timor. Yuni Shara brother was often called the om aka Amor called love. "Mimi've lied at his cheek," said Aurelie. The testimony of two children was increasingly proving KD if someone Titi DJ and Ruth Sahanaya is having an affair.
It was last month, Anang and two children live in the studio recording KD Productions. While Jackie lived in the house. From exclusive conversation with gossip Kasak SCTV, visible expression of regret and disappointment in the face Anangg. Azriel Akbar Hermansyah dad was trying to cover it up with a wise expression. "Until now, I and the kids try to tough," said Anang
Perhaps, women who have played in several films that did not much care for the feelings of his family. He is now in East Timor for a gig, though it is considered a camouflage by two children. One which would, if left it will backfire that destroyed the lives KD. "I'm mad at Mimi and her friends are insulted her cheek," says Azriel plain.
In April 2003, Krisdayanti rumored to have a relationship with guitarist Tohpati. The news that the first child Krisdayanti, Titania Aurelia Nurhermansyah, a child of the relationship with Ari Sigit appeared in August 2005. In May 2007, Krisdayanti was found having lunch with a businessman in Orchard Road, Singapore. He is also rumored affair with Dicky Wahyudi. Is Krisdayanti select affair than family?
Diva is familiarly called KD's dare mention playing with fire in the back of her husband. In fact, KD introducing another man's dream of his children. "Mimi om take it to the room. We are again on the swim," said Aurelie Nurhermansyah Titania, daughter-KD Anang in Kasak gossip show SCTV, Monday (31 / 8).
Who was the man who turned his attention chanter'm Sorry Good Bye this? Still according to the KD children, he was a wealthy businessman from East Timor. Yuni Shara brother was often called the om aka Amor called love. "Mimi've lied at his cheek," said Aurelie. The testimony of two children was increasingly proving KD if someone Titi DJ and Ruth Sahanaya is having an affair.
It was last month, Anang and two children live in the studio recording KD Productions. While Jackie lived in the house. From exclusive conversation with gossip Kasak SCTV, visible expression of regret and disappointment in the face Anangg. Azriel Akbar Hermansyah dad was trying to cover it up with a wise expression. "Until now, I and the kids try to tough," said Anang
Perhaps, women who have played in several films that did not much care for the feelings of his family. He is now in East Timor for a gig, though it is considered a camouflage by two children. One which would, if left it will backfire that destroyed the lives KD. "I'm mad at Mimi and her friends are insulted her cheek," says Azriel plain.
In April 2003, Krisdayanti rumored to have a relationship with guitarist Tohpati. The news that the first child Krisdayanti, Titania Aurelia Nurhermansyah, a child of the relationship with Ari Sigit appeared in August 2005. In May 2007, Krisdayanti was found having lunch with a businessman in Orchard Road, Singapore. He is also rumored affair with Dicky Wahyudi. Is Krisdayanti select affair than family?